Gnosis und Judentum.
Alttestamentliche und jüdische Motive in der gnostischen Literatur und das Ursprungsproblem der Gnosis
Lahe J.
Год :2012 Количество страниц :473 Язык :Немецкий Категория :Исследования Скачать : PdfПоддержать :
Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies #75.
This book addresses different theories related to the origin of Gnosticism. The author comes to the conclusion that, if we set aside the Christian substance, in Gnostic literature besides Platonist philosophy the most numerous influences come from Judaism. As they have, partially, reached Gnostic literature independent from Christianity, it could validate the theory according to which we should be searching for the origin of Gnosticism in certain Judaist circles. The author analyses the use of lore from the Old Testament and Judaism in Gnostic literature. Even though this does not prove that Gnosticism has evolved from Judaism, it still shows how extensively the Judaist world of thought influenced Gnosticism and how it gives us a reason to ask whether we should consider more thoroughly the theory according to which we should be searching for the founders of Gnostic lore within certain Judaist circles of antiquity.